Taylored Property Wealth

Please note that we are off from 3pm Friday the 20th of December 2024 and will return Monday the 6th of January 2025. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

13% growth in the last 6 months while the media have said everywhere is correcting!

13% growth in the last 6 months while the media have said everywhere is correcting!

If you have been listening to the media and letting what they project influence you, you’re being brainwashed! They are pushing the narrative that every market in Australia is going to correct and go backwards! This is simply not the case and they really are just a bunch of liars. Creating fear to attract views.

You don’t even need to listen to anything I have to say, all you need to do is simply focus on and listen to the data. The data does not lie! It is important to not focus on one month of data, this is not a fair representation on what is happening. Looking at trends over a 6 month period really highlights what is occurring.

Taylored Property Wealth is a Buyer’s Agency that focuses on investment properties that are primed for growth with strong yields. We get these results from completing in depth data and research and due diligence. This allows us to get the results that we do for clients.

The suburb below aligns with clients goals of strong yields and capital growth.

Let’s take a look at one of the suburbs that we are currently investing in for clients.

This suburb is a beach side suburb and has continued to perform this year. Many properties in this area selling within the first weekend, showcasing the market is still strong and the demand is still there. That is why this suburb is continuing to see growth despite multiple rate rises this year.

The suburb in question had a median price point at the end of January 2022 of $398,000. Appreciating to $452,000 at the end of July 2022.

13.56% growth in a 6 month period. The median value increasing month on month despite multiple rate rises and negative sentiment in the market place. Now combine this with purchasing well on the way in and buying under market value and you’re receiving massive growth!

If you are letting fear cripple your decision to take action and sitting on the fence when you could be buying your losing capital growth and paying more when you decide to purchase!

If this suburb does another 13% growth in the next 6 months the median price point will be $510,000. Now factoring in further rate rises this year your borrowing capacity will be less than it is today. The time to get into the market is NOW! Stop selling yourself short!

Median price as per Core Logic January 2022



Median price as per Core Logic July 2022

If you want to purchase a high quality investment property and smash it out of the park reach out to us at info@tayloredpropertywealth.com.au.

We want to speak with action takers!


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