Delaying your gratification to get out of the rat race!
By Casey Taylor | Buyers Agent
We live in a world with everything at out finger tips.
Now more then ever it’s harder to delay your gratification.
Delaying gratification means not getting caught up keeping up with the Jones.
Delaying your gratification can be the difference between you becoming financially free or being stuck in the rate race until 65.
Being a slave to your job paying for all the liabilities you accumulate.
What do I mean by delaying gratification?
This means putting your surplus cash into income producing assets that appreciate in value over time.
The earlier you do this, time is on your side and the compounding affect is super powerful!
This means not buying the caravan, the boat, the fancy car now.
This means not buying the flashy watch, the expensive shoes or designer clothes.
It means living below your means, to make your surplus money work for you.
Making your money work for you opposed to you working for your money is a game changer.
Delaying gratification is playing the game, ensuring you level up.
Those that can truly stick to this will notice the difference in a decade or two.
Creating financial freedom.
You have to be disciplined, without discipline this can’t be executed.
Buy the income generating assets that appreciate in value first.
Those assets you purchase will help you fund the caravan, the boat, the fancy car or clothes.
Play the game and work smarter not harder.
Don’t get caught up buying the liabilities now and having to be a slave to your job until the age of 65.
Invest in yourself, invest in your future and invest in your families future.
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